Interview with Marie Beau

I was fortunate to meet Marie when she hosted an amazing shifter's tour last October and I'm thrilled to have her chat about Wolf! Hi Mariposa, How nice to be here! I’ve been off in my own little world, writing away (not to mention busy with everyday life like digging out from the plethora of snow). So thanks for having me and remembering my furry friends in Wolf! Marie How did the inspiration for this work come to you? I have always loved shape shifters, and I think wolves are absolutely gorgeous creatures so the two just seemed to come together. As far as where my ideas come from – your guess is as good as mine. But I love the freedom that comes with a shifter character, human at heart, but the instincts of an animal. Kind of the best of both worlds, don’t you think? Inspiration is an amazing thing. Fuel for my imagination can come from anywhere and I generally don’t have a clue where my ideas come from. How do you balance your day-to-day commitments with your wr...