Author Interview Barbara Edwards

Thank you for having me as your guest. I’m Barbara Edwards, a native New Englander with a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Hartford. I’m a past president of the Central Florida Romance Writers and a member of Romance Writers of America. I founded the Charter Oak Romance Writers in Hartford, CT a Chapter of Romance Writers of America, along with several close friends. I’m married to a retired Police Sergeant. I love Civil War re-enacting, visiting museums, art galleries and battle sites. I taught Romance Writing at Manchester Community college for three years. I write historical romance, romantic suspense and paranormal romance. What inspired you to become a writer? My biggest influence was my father. He read to my sister and I every night. We heard Robinson Crusoe, Tom Sawyer, Tarzan, Huckleberry Finn, Little Women, and many more a chapter at a time. It was magical and I wanted to tell stories of my own. Who are your favorite romance cha...