Author Interview-Meggan Connors

I’m pleased to have a fellow, Sierra Romance Writer, Meggan Connors join us today. What inspired you to become a writer? I've always told stories to myself to help me get to sleep at night. Sometimes, my brain just didn't want to shut off, and so I'd dream of far away places, of handsome men and the women who loved them. I wrote for years—a scene here, a scene there—before finally trying my hand at writing a novel. But then graduate school came along, along with the requisite thesis and the follow-up academic articles, and the writing for pleasure took a backseat for a while. About two and a half years ago, I woke up and told my husband, "You know, I think I'll write a romance novel." Who are your favorite romance characters (besides your own?) Let's see. I like Colt Thunder in Johanna Lindsey's Savage Thunder . I also loved, loved, loved Dageus in Karen Moning's Dark Highlander . I love Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre (Michael Fassbender p...