Writers Round Table

What is a “must-have” for a writer’s bookshelf? C.R. Moss I have a few… A good dictionary and thesaurus (for the basics); The Romance Writers’ Phrase Book The Millennium Phrase Book for Romance Writers (for creative inspiration); The Writer’s Journey (for story structure/inspiration) Find C.R. Moss here: www.crmoss.net Jannine Gallant: Sitting on my desk in all its tattered glory, is my thesaurus. The cover is missing, pages are loose, but I wouldn’t replace it for the world. It’s my faithful companion, a gift from a college friend years and years ago. When I’m staring at my keyboard, trying to find that perfect word, it always has the answer! Find Jannine Gallant here: http://www.janninegallant.com/ Mariposa Cruz: I highly recommend Carol Lloyd’s Creating a Life Worth Living to anyone who aspires to life in the arts. Rather than advising people to quit their day jobs, Lloyd coaches on how to find a career supportive of a creative path and find a balance between inspirat...