Author Interview-Kelly Moran

What inspired you to become a writer? I don't know if it was so much inspiration as it was something I had to do. From the time I was little I made up stories and had ideas. As I grew older, I was smart enough to start jotting them down. Who are your favorite romance characters (besides your own?) Any character in a Roxanne St. Claire, Robin Wells, Jill Shalvis, or Kristin Higgins book. Hands down. Wish they were all real! Tell me what inspired this story. Funny story. One night, a few years back, my husband, sister-in-law, friend, and I went to this secluded abandoned house. We did this on occasion--visited "haunted" locations. The house was not visible from the road, and was surrounded by dense woods. We're all walking down this gravel path when I stop. Just stop. Like I can't walk any farther. In a blink, the flashlight flies from my hand and across the path. A voice whispered in my ear, but it was in another language, so I don't know what ...