Saturday Shifters-Melissa Snark

Tell me about yourself. How long have you been writing? My name is Melissa Snark, which is actually a pen name, chosen to provide my poor family with a degree of privacy. For a kid, it is tough enough not wanting to be seen with your uncool mom. In real life, I'm mouthy and sarcastic. Throw in the fact that I write erotica and chronicle the adventures of the Snark family on my blog, and I'm nightmare mom. My family is hysterical—three kids, four if you count Mr. Snark, and three cats. We're somewhere on the spectrum between Family Circus and Married With Children . Something is always going on. For instance, during my shower this morning my two-year-old daughter used her unsupervised break as an opportunity to unwind an entire roll of toilet paper. Then, as if that wasn't enough, she shredded some of it. It was everywhere—kitchen, office, on the stairs. You'd think she was a cat. Anyway, back to writing. I've been writing since I was a kid. I th...