Author Interview-Sandie La Nae

We had so much fun when psychic and paranormal investigator, Sandie La Nae, visited last year, I've invited her back to chat about her latest book. What draws you to investigate a particular location? There are many factors about the draw to particular locations with our paranormal team. 1. History. Historical places are always quite fascinating to investigate. You never know who you’ll find in an age old building or space. 2. Personal requests. Many of our cliental ask us to investigate their home, office, basement, attic, barn, an abandoned dwelling on their property, etc. Once word gets around about what we do…. 3. Referrals…..others are very likely to contact us as they trust the referring party’s judgment of our investigative team. 4. Our interest. We have enquired at many locations the desire to investigate, which the owner of the building has been more than obliging. 5. Museums and Antique Stores: These places are full of spirits. Many...