Author Interview-Monica Epstein

What inspired you to become a writer? A combination of things. I had several school teachers who encouraged my creative writing. Although my passion for writing went on hiatus while I was in high school, college, and grad school because everything I wrote had to be factual (where’s the fun in that?!), I was good at it. I think this is what made me pursue a career in writing once my three children no longer needed full-time care. (I’m a technical writer by day.) But I was inspired to write fiction, first, by my love of JK Rowling’s personal story and her Harry Potter series, and second, by some online friends who taught me it was fun sharing stories. One of those stories took on a life of its own and became the basis for WHERE THERE IS WILL. Who are your favorite romance characters (besides your own?) I’ve known for a long time I’m indecisive, but I’ve concluded only from doing interviews that I rarely have favorites! If I’m given a choice of several, I might be able to cho...