Author Interview-Maureen Bonatch

What inspired you to become a writer? I’ve always been somewhat of a writer, whether by writing poems and short stories, filling a journal, or torturing teachers who chose essay questions. But about ten or so years ago, I spent a little time soul-searching and decided I wanted to pursue writing more seriously. I wanted to write novels. I began taking writing classes and eventually I started writing more than flash fiction and short stories. I discovered my characters had a lot to say when I began writing novel length fiction. Who are your favorite romance characters (besides your own)? My favorite romance characters are old school. Romeo and Juliet (I think I was one of the only kids in the eighth grade excited about the assignment) and Rhett and Scarlett. Tell me what inspired this story. The usual question I hear (like most authors) is, “Where do you get your ideas?” My answer is often, everywhere since it’s a challenge to explain how a story brews in my brain and t...