Author Interview-Sandie La Nae

How did you become involved in this line of work? I was blessed since birth with Psychic awareness. Throughout my life I have had visions of what was to come. I devised a fun method of giving intuitive Readings by using stones: jaspers, quartz, agates, etc. and have read publicly since 1984. One of my extra psychic gifts is the ability to see those who are deceased. During my life I've been requested to communicate with those on the other side, but I started to publically advertise this ability just a few years ago. Now, many clients are those who would like a communication Reading, or, Spirit Reading with a loved one on the other side. Because of being a psychic and spirit communicator, in 2005 I was asked to join a brand new Paranormal Investigative team, Thin Veil Investigators. Being able to see the spirits is a nice edge for our team as then we can communicate with a particular ghost in a certain building. Our team members are ps...