Author Interview-Kelly Moran

What inspired you to become a writer?
I don't know if it was so much inspiration as it was something I had to do. From the time I was little I made up stories and had ideas. As I grew older, I was smart enough to start jotting them down.
Who are your favorite romance characters (besides your own?)
Any character in a Roxanne St. Claire, Robin Wells, Jill Shalvis, or Kristin Higgins book. Hands down. Wish they were all real!
Tell me what inspired this story.
Funny story. One night, a few years back, my husband, sister-in-law, friend, and I went to this secluded abandoned house. We did this on occasion--visited "haunted" locations. The house was not visible from the road, and was surrounded by dense woods. We're all walking down this gravel path when I stop. Just stop. Like I can't walk any farther. In a blink, the flashlight flies from my hand and across the path. A voice whispered in my ear, but it was in another language, so I don't know what it said. Plus, everyone else was three steps ahead of me, so no one human whispered the words. Needless to say we booked it outta there. But this event inspired The Drake House.
How do you balance your day-to-day commitments with your writing life?
An abundance of psych meds, caffeine, and no sleep. Oh, you mean seriously. I try to follow a schedule and that keeps me and my priorities straight.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? 
You can buy The Drake House at Amazon or B&N. You can find me at my site,, where you'll find the links to social sites too. I'll give away a FREE eBook to one commenter here. Thanks!
Kelly's been known to say that she gets her ideas from everyone and everything around her, and that there's always a book playing out in her head. No one who knows her bats an eyelash when she talks to herself.
She began her writing career in the Indie market, becoming the recipient of an Editor's Choice Award, a Finalist in the 2008 Best Book Awards, and a Finalist in the 2009 Indie
Excellence Awards before moving into traditional publishing. Her books not only have honors from the top review sites, but from NY Times bestsellers too. She is a respected reviewer and a Romance Writers of America member.

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