Author Interview-David Russell

What inspired you to become a writer? A need to exteriorize my thoughts and feelings 

Who are your favorite romance characters (besides your own?) The heroines of Anais Nin’s stories, and the heroine of The Girl Beneath the Lion by De Mandriargues

Tell me what inspired this story. A close friend of mine wrote something in a similar vein, which worked as a catalyst for me.

How do you balance your day-to-day commitments with your writing life? Yes; I have to do a balancing act. I have to sustain continuity with the writing life every day; if the imagination is not fully functioning, there are always literals to correct/revisions to do.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? 

Self's Blossom eBook: David Russell: Kindle Store › 
Self's Blossom eBook: David Russell: Kindle Store.

Self's Blossom by David Russell | NOOK Book (eBook) | Barnes ...
Self's Blossom
This is about a young woman's self-discovery. Selene is a 'success story', having become a top journalist, while retaining her dazzling looks. However, in the past she has had unhappy relationships, and feels she has missed out on hedonistic fun.  This she obtains, firstly with a young stranger on a beach, and finally with enigmatic Hudson: tryst is preceded by cultural tourism, and careful sizing up of minds. Afterwards Selene returns to her 'I stand on my own' attitude.
While she is on holiday, her mind is free to ramble, often into Selene's chequered past. Flashback blurs into the present, past-rooted interior monologue into direct observation. The dialogue is sparse. Selene is a cautious, premeditative type, in whom thought, reflection and analysis outweigh direct action.
Selene’s subtle, monitoring mind coolly observes and controls all the events. Maybe she is super-confident, or perhaps has a deep, underlying insecurity. She is many things to many readers.

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