Author Interview-Dina Keratsis

What inspired you to become a writer?
I blame my mother. She read to me all the time. She read to my son on the first day we brought him home from the hospital and I assume the scenario was the same with me. Books were family from an early age and when I was not reading, I role-played or wrote. My favorite excursion was always to the library. At some point, reading wasn’t enough to satisfy me and so I wrote. I love all books but the romance genre is my go to book for relaxation.
Who are your favorite romance characters (besides your own?)
I’m glad you limited this list to the romance genre or this could go on for pages! I started reading romances when I was thirteen so there are many but these come to mind straight away: Jericho Barrons (Karen Marie Moning), Elizabeth and Ian Thornton (Judith McNaught), Matt Farrell and Meredith Banks (another McNaught), Mike Taggart (Jude Deveraux), Owen Armstrong (Sarah Dessen), Jasper Finley (Mary Balogh), Dageus MacKeltar (Moning again), Ash Burke (Teresa Medeiros), Emm and Johnny (Megan Hart) and any of Loretta Chase’s heroines.
I have to add Sirius Black. I’m in love with Sirius Black and secretly I think he is alive and breathing in a romance novel of his own. Someday, J.K. Rowling will release this secret book and he will be one of my favorite romance characters.
Tell me what inspired this story.
Cake was inspired by a dream about King Arthur. I still remember every detail about that dream – one of those lingering visions that seemed so real I thought I may have gone back in time, a dream full of longing and tragedy and imagery.
At the same time, in daylight hours, I had become obsessed with an old building in my neighborhood that was once called Apollo Cake. I fall in love with buildings all the time and the less I can discover about one, the more obsessed I become. Apollo Cake was one such building.
Finally, at the time of Cake’s conception, I was in a baking frenzy, trying to re-create my favorite cake from the closed El Morocco restaurant in Worcester. I have yet to find its match.
Rune and Breena evolved from all these ingredients.
You can read more details about the creation story of Cake at my website.
How do you balance your day-to-day commitments with your writing life?
I used to get home from work, exercise, eat, and write for 2 hours a night 
and four hours on Saturday or Sunday, more if I felt like it. This schedule is impossible now that I have two little ones and a three-hour commute to and from work.
I write when I can, aiming for 800-1000 words a day, five days a week. I have a supportive virtual writing group with writers who share a similar lifestyle balance, and I remind myself that it’s about crafting something I love rather than producing to publish, but this is a constant war I have with myself. Right now, though, children, and sleep so that I can muster kindness toward said children, take priority.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? 
Just a thank you for reading about Rune and Breena and for all the kind emails I’ve received. You guys are great, and it’s such run to be part of such a loving reading community. Romance readers are the best readers!

She has nothing left to lose.
When Breena Murphy stumbles into the enchanted borderland of Cake, she is given the choice to return to her world or face the unknown. Unable to bear returning to her empty life, she embraces the challenge, much to the annoyance of the handsome, brooding Rune.
He wants redemption.
Long ago, Rune failed in his duty to guard the Queen Likely and vowed never again to let desire rule him. Then he meets Breena, the last Likely, and least likely, to succeed. Sworn to protect her from the killer who seeks to destroy Cake, Rune is forced to face his awakening desire for the one woman he can never have.
Together, they embark on a magical journey to save Cake and while Rune abandons his heart, Breena discovers that she has everything to lose.

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