Author Interview-Rebecca Grace

Blues at 11:

Kimberly Delagarza is a familiar face in Los Angeles as she can be seen nightly on the evening news. She drives a fancy car, lives in a house on the beach and wears designer clothes. But the TV anchorwoman has been accused of murder No one believes she didn’t kill her louse of an ex-boyfriend after he dumped her. Her next picture may be on a wanted poster, and her home may be The Big House and she may soon be wearing an orange prison jumpsuit.

Can Kimberly catch a cagey killer who will stop at nothing to bring her down?

What inspired you to become a writer?
I am not certain what inspired me.  I always just felt like I HAD to write. From the time I was young I was making up stories and as I got older they seemed to keep focusing on romance or adventure. I was a voracious reader so I think if anything inspired me it was reading those books and wanting to make up my own stories.

Who are your favorite romance characters (besides your own?)
I absolutely love Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) and Scarlet O’Hara (Gone with The Wind) for different reasons. I liked Lizzie’s wit and Scarlet’s nerve and I like both their spirits.  They both wanted a man in their lives but they weren’t going to settle for just any man and if that meant staying without one, that was okay.

Tell me what inspired this story.
My latest book, Blues at 11, which is a mystery with romantic elements was inspired by a conversation with a good friend after I broke up with a boyfriend. We were having fun planning ways to kill him and disposing of the body when someone who had overheard us jokingly mentioned he would keep our guilty secret if the ex-boyfriend turned up dead.  Add to that the fact that I was working at a news station in Los Angeles and constantly seeing the media attention given to so many celebrities during murder investigations and trials… well, I just had to write a story that combined it all.

What is one of your favorite romantic locales?
My favorite, favorite, favorite location is Vancouver, British Columbia.  I lived in the Northwest for several years and constantly go back to Vancouver every chance I get. I set my first romantic suspense (Deadly Messages) in Vancouver and then set my novella, Shadows from the Past, on a fictional island in the Northwest.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers? 

I’ve always gotten my ideas from situations around me or events that I can weave into a fictional story. For instance, in addition to writing and reading romance, I have always been a major sports fan, especially baseball.  One of my first romances, Love on Deck, focused on a female radio announcer who was covering baseball games. I got the background for that while working as a sports producer, back in the days when there just weren’t many women allowed on the field for any sport. I am so pleased to see how all that has changed. 


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