Author Interview-Sandie La Nae

How did you become involved in this line of work?
 I was blessed since birth with Psychic awareness. Throughout my life I have had visions of what was to come. I devised a fun method of giving intuitive Readings by using stones: jaspers, quartz, agates, etc. and have read publicly since 1984.
 One of my extra psychic gifts is the ability to see those who are deceased.  During my life I've been requested to communicate with those on the other side, but I started to publically advertise this ability just a few years ago.  Now, many clients are those who would like a communication Reading, or, Spirit Reading with a loved one on the other side.
 Because of being a psychic and spirit communicator, in 2005 I was asked to join a brand new Paranormal Investigative team, Thin Veil Investigators. Being able to see the spirits is a nice edge for our team as then we can communicate with a particular ghost in a certain building.
 Our team members are psychics and sensitives and so we all have our special ways of knowing where a spirit is. But it is fun for me to be able to see a ghost as they were while amongst the living. I see them just as if I were seeing a live person: clothing, hair styles, facial features, etc.

Is psychic ability a trait that is underdeveloped in most people or is it simply a rare trait?
I believe that each person has a psychic trait/ability within them. Some, like myself, hone the gift to the use in helping others. Some may be very aware of their gift, but don't want to or like to use it, as it may be an annoyance or is fearful for them. Some feel they don't have any ability at all.
But, I believe that at particular times in our lives we have all felt just what psychic ability is: we knew who was going to call on the phone, or sensed when Uncle George passed away, or had a hunch that we would win a prize.

You use stones and crystals in your readings, could you tell us more about how they're used?
 I have 117 stones (and a couple of earth's elements such as a sea shell, feather and Manzanita stick). They are "programmed" with their own, general, meaning. For example, if you chose my finance stone, I then intuit from your energies that you will be receiving a nice raise at work, or,  you might want to stop gambling because bills are over due. The stones give me an idea of what the client is asking about/looking for. I then speak of what is in their present time frame or future dates in regards to those concerns.
  I also listen to what messages their Spirit Guides want me to relay about other factors in their life.

For an intuitive Reading, I ask my client to choose a certain amount of stones. (4, for a Mini Reading. 9, for a Full Reading.) They pick the stones that appeal to them and lay them down in any manner on a mat before them. Stone placement is another factor in how I intuit the stones. For example, if a client puts the stones in a straight line, I know they are on a special life journey and speak to them of future happenings. If they form a square with the stones, I know they feel trapped or boxed in, and then offer guidance on how to break free of those barriers.
  I strive to give encouraging and helpful Readings. I don’t believe in scaring a client. If there is an unpleasant situation coming up, I speak of it in a way to make you aware, and also relay that if you so choose, you need not have it in your life. I feel if you know of a situation – good or bad -  you can embrace it or make sure it stays away. The options are up to you.

Are certain locations more prone to being haunted than others?
 The consensus believes that a particular older building which has more history than a newer structure, houses more spirits that can/usually 'live' within.
 But, I've been in brand new buildings and discovered many spirits residing already. Perhaps ghosts from a building that once stood on that spot move into their new digs. I've discovered accidental deaths happened at a site where a new structure was built which led to hauntings. I've seen spirits in a new office building due to a fatal accident that occurred on the street right outside the doors. Many scenarios can lead to new buildings being just as haunted as the older dwellings.
  Also, I believe that the land surrounding a building has a lot to do with hauntings. Many things: accidents, cruelty, deaths, war, etc., which happened around a building can lend to a structure, or land, being haunted.
  I have been asked to investigate several pieces of property that are reported to be haunted. Researching the land, it was discovered horrendous acts were taken place there. Atrocious attitudes or severe fear can also contribute to the hauntings of property. Those are negative energies, which, negative spirits like to thrive in.
   Mother earth herself with earthquakes and volcano's and such can create unbalanced energies at a particular place(s), where then, I believe, negative forces can reside, thus creating haunted pieces of land.

Tell us more about your "Thin Veil Investigations" Book
 I was co-host of an online radio show called "Notes From A Ghost Writer." My co-host and producer suggested that I write a book about Thin Veiler's paranormal investigations, as, we had talked about many of our team's experiences on the show.
  This is my first book, published in 2007, and I'm very proud to share with those interested twenty-seven stories of our team's first investigations together which we experienced in the northern Nevada area. These stories are our reports turned story form. Also scripted are many of our spirit communications with a particular spirit at a certain place, and pictures that we have captured of the ghosts we encountered.

Is there anything you'd like to add?
I co-authored a book with renowned and pioneer paranormal investigator Richard Senate. The book is titled "Silver Ghosts Haunted Places and Phantom Encounters in Northern Nevada."  Like the Thin Veil Investigation's book, this has forty-four stories of haunted places we have investigated around the northern Nevada region.

Our ghost hunting team presents "Back To Basics of Paranormal Investigations 101" classes, which I have written a text book entitled "A Ghost Hunter's Guide Book." Inside are lots of tips, how-to's and information for the beginner ghost hunter, as well as the experienced investigator.

I have a website where all my Reading stones can be viewed, and a stone or spirit Reading can be purchased. Also, the site has pages with information, articles, photos, EVP and videos about some of Thin Veil Investigators’ investigations.  My books can be purchased there and also items from my online metaphysical store: Sandie’s Psychic STUFF. The URL for the website is:

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