Author Interview-Jill Archer

How did you become a writer?

I’ve been a lifelong reader so, at the outset, I had that love of books and the written word that every writer must have. When I reached the point in my life when I decided I wanted to try writing a novel, I just started writing. Those first scenes weren’t even close to a novel, but you have to start somewhere. Over a number of years, I took workshops, online classes, attended conferences, and read at least a dozen books on novel structure, character development, worldbuilding, etc. When I read other authors’ books, I started paying more attention to how they were written. I kept writing. Eventually, many years later, I was able to write a manuscript that was good enough to attract the attention of several agents. Leaving the practice of law to write about it (albeit with an interesting twist) was risky, but it paid off.

Who are some of your favorite romance characters?

Celia Bowen and Marco Alistair (Night Circus)
Claire and Jamie Fraser (Outlander)
Ramses and Nefret Emerson (Amelia Peabody series)
Aliena and Jack Jackson (Pillars of the Earth)
Kate “Puck” Connolly and Sean Kendrick (The Scorpio Races)

What inspired this story?

Noon was very loosely inspired by the Egyptologist Evelyn “Evy” Carnahan from the movie The Mummy. I was having lunch with a bunch of writers during the time when I was seeking inspiration for a new project. I was still practicing law and I sat next to a librarian. We each shared with the other that we felt our day jobs were fairly pedestrian and not necessarily something that could be tapped into to create a dynamic, otherworldly character. I then mentioned Evy as an example of a wonderful librarian character, who found love while battling the undead, despite her bookish ways. So that conversation got me thinking… If Evy could do it, maybe another similarly bookish lawyer character could do it too.

What is one of your favorite romantic locales?

Cape May, New Jersey is one of my favorite beach towns. Its Victorian houses are charming, its beach is beautiful, and it’s one of the only places on the east coast where you can watch the sun set over water. There’s a brewery, winery, lighthouse, and aviation museum. My husband and I have toured them all. J There’s also tons of great restaurants and places to sip cocktails in salty air. The Virginia Hotel’s porch is one of the best!

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Advance review copies of Pocket Full of Tinder will be available on NetGalley via SFWA from November 15, 2016-December 15, 2016. I’m also running a Goodreads giveaway right now (chance to win one of 10 signed print ARCs).

Pocket Full of Tinder can be pre-ordered on Amazon, Kobo, and iTunes. On its release day, it will also be available on Nook and CreateSpace.

More about Jill

Jill Archer writes dark, genre-bending fantasy from rural Maryland. Her novels include Dark Light of Day, Fiery Edge of Steel, White Heart of Justice, and Pocket Full of Tinder. She loves cats, coffee, books, movies, day tripping, and outdoor adventuring.

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